

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 12 years, 5 months ago

Free Online Professional Development Opportunities for English Language Educators New to Social Media




What is a Personal Learning Network?

In this post, I provide 24 resources dealing with the theory, history, and wordage surrounding personal learning networks!


English Language Teaching blogs for Teachers


Recommended English Language Teaching blogs!


  • Click the subscribe button below the list of blogs to subscribe to over 60 English language teaching blogs.
  • Click the preview button to view the most current posts on these blogs in one place.
  • To connect, try leaving a comment. Just click the headline to visit the blog you like.
  • Subscribe to all these blogs by RSS (this is the preferred method) or E-mail.
  • If you are a blogger in the field of ELT, then feel free to e-mail me your blog address to add you to this list (shellyterrell@gmail.com).




Video: How to Subscribe to Blogs by E-mail


YouTube plugin error




Video: How to Subscribe to Blogs by RSS


YouTube plugin error



List of ELT Authors, Material Writers, Organization Heads, and Their Blogs/Sites



Twitter Handle
Burcu Akyol @burcuakyol http://burcuakyol.com
Sean Banville @seanbanville http://seanbanville.com/, http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/
Eric Baber
Marcos Benevides @MBenevides http://www.widgets-hq.com/
Tara Benwell @Tefl http://www.tefl.net/
Beth Cagnol @bethcagnol http://freelanceteacherinfrance.blogspot.com/
Alex Case @EnglishClub http://www.tefl.net/alexcase/
Neal Chambers @NealChambers http://www.englishspark.com/en/blogs
Lindsay Clandfield @lclandfield http://sixthings.net/
Marisa Constantinides @Marisa_C http://www.celt.edu.gr/, http://marisaconstantinides.edublogs.org/

David Crystal

David Deubelbeiss @ddeubel
http://eflclassroom.ning.com/, http://eflclassroom.ning.com/profiles/blog/list?pageSize=13
Valentina Dodge @vale360 http://english360.com/, http://www.24hours.it
Gavin Dudeney @dudeneyge http://slife.dudeney.com/, http://www.theconsultants-e.com/
Jeremy Day @specificenglish http://specific-english.blogspot.com/
Evan Frendo @evanfrendo http://englishfortheworkplace.blogspot.com/
Larry Ferlazzo @larryferlazzo http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/
Simon Greenall @SimonGreenall
Jeremy Harmer
Andy Hockley @adhockley http://adhockley.wordpress.com/
Nicky Hockly @TheConsultantsE http://www.emoderationskills.com/
Anne Hodgson @annehodg http://annehodgson.de/
Vicki Hollett
Cotter Hue @cotterHUE
Sue Lyons-Jones @esolcourses http://www.esolcourses.blogspot.com/
Ozge Karaglou- Ergen @ozge http://www.ozgekaraoglu.edublogs.org
Paul Maglione @paulmaglione http://www.english-attack.com
Cleve Miller @cleve360 http://english360.com/
Joel Josephson @acerview54 http://www.kindersite.org/Founders.htm
Jamie Keddie
http://www.jamiekeddie.com/, http://www.teflclips.com
Luke Meddings @lukemeddings http://lukemeddings.posterous.com/
Kyle Mawer
@kylemawer http://digitalplay.info/blog/
Heike Philp @heikephilp http://virtual-round-table.ning.com , http://www.lancelotschool.com/
Herbert Puchta @herbertpuchta  
Shiv Rajendran @shiv53 http://www.shv.me/, http://languagelab.com
Marianne Raynaud   http://www.qualitytime-esl.com/
Carol Read @carolread http://carolread.wordpress.com/
Jason Renshaw @EnglishRaven http://www.englishraven.com/
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto @barbsaka
Chuck Sandy @chucksandy
http://twylah.com/chucksandy, http://www.chucksandy.com/
Pete Sharma @petesharma http://www.psa.eu.com/pages/newblog/
Russell Stannard @russell1955 http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/
Graham Stanley @grahamstanley http://digitalplay.info/blog/, http://blog-efl.blogspot.com
Scott Thornbury
Berni Wall @rliberni http://www.gapfillers.co.uk/?atk=2674
Shaun Wilden
Ken Wilson


*If you are an ELT author, materials writer, or head of an ELT organization please feel free to add your information to this list by becoming an editor to this wiki or by emailing me at ShellyTerrell at gmail dot com.



6 STEP Guide to Twitter for Beginners


1. Register at Twitter.com


  • Click sign-up now
    • Pick a short name (10 characters or less) that is easy to remember
    • Ex. If your name is John Doe and you love using technology for teaching, then try JohnDoe or EdtechJD.
    • A name like JohnDoe20789 is too long and difficult to remember.
  • Fill in your bio please- Write teacher or educator somewhere in your 160 character biography
  • Add an image- If possible use an image of what you really look like


2. Follow me @ShellTerrell


  • This is how to follow someone



3. Tweet me this message


  • Copy and paste this message under What's Happening Now on your Home Page: @shellterrell Hello I just joined Twitter and looking to connect!
  • Don't forget to click tweet to send this.



  • I will then introduce you to the Twitter sphere so that other educators can follow you.


4. Sign-up for any of these browsers to make tweeting faster and easier:



5. Follow other English language teachers, authors, and experts!


  • Click on the link and click the green plus sign to follow the person.

* Follow all the attendees of TESOL France 2011

* Follow ELT People on Twitter

  • Please let me know if you're not on this list. It's a work in progress since my previous list on TweepML was lost.


6. Begin tweeting with the educators on the list by using @theirTwitterName.



#ELTChat: The English Language Teaching Chat

  • Once you join Twitter you can participate in ELTChat which takes place every Wednesday 3pm and 9pm GMT.

  • Discuss ELT issues with top professionals in your field.

Follow ELTChat on Twitter

Listen to ELTChat interviews with ELT Authors & Professionals



#ELTPics: Find Free Creative Common Pics to Use with Your Classes

#ELTpics created by @VictoriaB52, @vickyloras and @cgoodey

ELTpics on Flickr

Collection of photographs collected by teachers for teachers



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