Shelly Sanchez Terrell is a teacher trainer, instructional designer and the author of The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers and Learning to Go: Teaching with Mobile Devices, Cell Phones and BYOT. She has taught teachers and learners in over 25 countries and has consulted with organizations, such as UNESCO Bangkok, The EU aPLaNet Project, Cultura Iglesa of Brazil, the British Council in Tel Aviv, IATEFL Slovenia, and HUPE Croatia. She has been recognized by many entities, such as the ELTon Awards, The New York Times, the Min of Ed in Spain, and Microsoft’s Heroes for Education as an innovator in the movement of teacher driven professional development, education technology, elearning, and mobile learning. Star Jones named her Woman of the Year 2014 of the National Association of Professional Women. She was awarded a Bammy Award as the founder of #Edchat, the Twitter chat that spurred over 400 teacher chats. She shares at TeacherRebootCamp.com, Twitter @ShellTerrell, Facebook.com/shellyterrell, & Google.com/+ShellySanchezTerrell.
**I'm available to speak at conferences, host workshops, design your online training or courses, train your teachers in person or through webinars, do book signings, consult on your education start-up, set up your organization's social media, help you set up your online conference, and train with iPads, mobile learning, or education technology. Email me at ShellyTerrell@Gmail.com for a quote ** Technology trainings at your institution include a copy of my ebook, Learning to Go.**
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